The Android Network Traces (ANT) project shows what kind of data is collected by different Android apps and where it is sent to. The website is based on the paper “Why are They Collecting my Data?” , also referred as “Mobipurpose” by the folks in CHIMPS lab. You can download the network traffic data here.

Number of apps
Number of companies
Number of domains


CHIMPS(Computer Human Interaction: Mobility Privacy Security) Lab is a research group in the Human Computer Interaction Institute, part of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University.

The lab is led by Jason Hong and focuses on research regarding ubiquitous computing, usable privacy and security. The group's work has been featured in CNN, The New York Times, BBC and more.

Team & Contributors

People who helped bring this research and website to life.

Picture of Head
Jason Hong


Picture of Head
Arshin Jain

Software Eng

Picture of Head
Anthony Teo

Software Eng

Picture of Head
Melody Wang

Research Assistant

Special thanks to

Everyone who previously helped out with the project.

Junyi Zhang
Eric Kim
Haojian Jin
Yuvraj Agarwal
Yejun (Amy) Lu
Weijia (Rosie) Sun
Kayla Reiman
Clair Sun
Shan Wang
JP Park
Sean Kim
Rishabh Bhandari